You may remember that his incessant banging has effectively further distressed our antique (formerly church pew) dinner table bench.
Now he is branching into kitchen reorganization. For a small fee (or even for free) he will empty out your utensil drawer, bang each item (to distress whatever furniture you ask him - or don't ask him) to distress.
He will also reorganize your freezer and refrigerator. Who knew the soy sauce is better stored in the freezer and the bag of frozen veggies should be left in the fridge?
Need help in the laundry room? He will happily take your already clean and folded laundry and put it in the dirty laundry baskets. He is also quite fond of putting clothes into the washer. It's okay, he will only try to climb in with the clothes a few times.
If you are already pretty organized and don't need his help in these areas, he is also working on his cosmetology license. Who knew that a protein shake is the best foundation for spiking hair?
In all seriousness, I often look at him and wonder what he will do as an adult, more so than with the other children. I wonder if we will ever get his self-injurious behaviors and sensory issues to a place where he can fit into the workplace? Will he have the independence skills he needs? I wonder if he will live on his own? Will he have friends who will encourage him to do what he can on his own, but will they also be willing to give of their own time to help him do what he cannot?
Will he be accepted in a sighted world?

Cindy, I feel your mother-heart as you look down the path of the future. Your writing resonates with me because I am grandma to 4 by adoption--from Russia and Bulgaria--and they have challenges that cause my heart to ask those same questions.
ReplyDeleteThere's always an immediate connection when those in the adoption community meet. The challenges are great but we press on and rejoice at every victory! Thank you for loving and blessing your grandchildren.
DeleteHe sounds like he is a trooper with a curious mind and kind heart! Kind heart... sounds like he has wonderful role models that will guide him in the right direction!
ReplyDeleteWe are trying!
DeleteThankfully there are workshops and places out there where people with unique challenges can find purpose. Finding them is at times a challenge, but -they are there. :D
ReplyDeleteAnd thankfully there are people who understand.
DeleteThis is a wonderful slice. Your love and humor shine clearly. Mr. Victor is awesome!
ReplyDeleteYour sense of humor, your compassion, your wisdom and your love will serve this adorable boy well. Many visually challenged people have decent lives; he's got a lot going for him.