Easter looked a little different for three of us this year. We decided to take advantage of the short break from school and spend a few days in Kentucky with Andrew.
Bonus, a reprieve from the chaos, noise, and struggle of home. Sometimes you just need a mental health break.
We took our time driving down, enjoying the company of just the three of us. Sometimes it was the silence that was needed, sometimes it was the conversation. Sometimes it was the audio book we enjoyed together or the DVD watched (The Help, anyone?).
When we arrived, we spent time meeting Andrew's co-workers and touring his workplace at the Kentucky Capitol. It was an especially educational day as there were protestors in the building. That should make the powers-that-be in the school district happy as it reinforced the justification of my "educational" field trip I so eloquently outlined on the get-em-out-of-school-if-you-dare excuse form I had to fill out and sign with blood. If it wasn't for snow days, I wouldn't have had to excuse Eden from anything anyway. Oh well. Educational (and loud), it was.
Protestors in the background.
Security for the Senate on the upper level.
The next day we toured the American Printing House for the Blind while Andrew worked. We had our own personalized tour which was great. She took us into areas not usually covered since we told her about Victor and some of the products he has used - many of which have come from here. I brought home a catalog which was probably not a good idea. I'm going to want too many resources for him and of course, with small demand the cost is high.
Saving for myself, ideas for a calendar for Victor
Having fun with the Braillers exhibit
Of course Andrew also had to introduce the next group of Kings to Back to the Future. Fun times.
His friends call his apartment the smallest but most-fascinatingly-filled
with interesting instruments, Olympic relics, Star Wars decorations, etc.
Our one sunny day happened to be the day Andrew took us to the Kentucky Horse Park because when in Rome...

HopeAnne, being the only horse lover of the group, got nominated for most of the horse photos.

Triple Crown Winner, Western Dreamer
Oh, and this one. They made me do it. Complete with instructions - Lean forward, hands up, now lower, now a little closer to you... Oh wait, the picture changed. It's a different horse. Hands higher now. No, lower. A little farther away, now closer to you. Okay. Fine. Hold.
For lunch he introduced us to real southern Bar B Q. We were fascinated by the local feel of the place and declared it the best eating of the whole trip.
And there was one part of the trip that was not planned. Oh well. Memories, for sure! Who knew the stems could break off when filling tires? Nothing more deflating than to watch your tire go down and not be able to do a thing about it. AAA says they never heard of such a thing. Other friends have told us otherwise, happened to them as well and their garage told them it's quite common. Good Samaritan stopped to help (it's what Kentucky's all about) and then two more Good Samaritans. They got us a temporary fix and then followed us to the tire repair so we could get them permanently fixed for the drive home the next day.
We opted for a Sunrise Service on Easter morning so we could begin our trip back as soon as possible. Rain brought the service indoors but we enjoyed the message regardless.
Too soon it was time for the PA folks to head back and the Kentucky folk to stay behind. But his grandparents will be visiting tomorrow so he won't be alone for long. We love you, Andrew, and thanks for allowing us to invade your home and space. Good-byes are always hard but it was good to be with your on your turf once again and to hear about the great things you are doing.
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