Happy 50th anniversary to my parents! Last weekend we enjoyed a fabulous party with over 110 guests. The King's Strings played, Andrew and Jesse performed a song they wrote, the grandkids performed an anniversary song, and my brother shared this poem that he wrote to celebrate the occasion.
Fifty years In (Nearly) 50 Couplets
Fifty years In (Nearly) 50 Couplets
By Chad Bauman
Shared at the 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration for
Glenn and Christine Bauman
Shared at the 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration for
Glenn and Christine Bauman
A long time
back in ‘65
Mom was the
prettiest gal alive
Dad himself
looked rather dapper
And set off
mother’s inner clapper.
For their
wedding just after New Year celebrations
They made
preparations and sent invitations
Of course Uncle Sam stepped in and hurried the pace
Through a
Presidential Order (the draft in this case)
They moved
to Lansdale and by 1970
They had a
girl who brought Joy aplenty.
She was
bookish, and smart, and a musical teen
eventually passed on the orchestral string gene
Not long
after, they had another
And then
that first girl got a brother.
This brother
was at times a veritable punk
And made
them worry their ship was sunk
He caused
them more than once to frown
eventually he settled down (and he apologizes, wherever he is.)
By ’75 they
were stripping and painting their walls
turning linoleum glue into fire balls
There were
obnoxious fumes and posterior splinters
But they
redid every room over 13 short winters
1980 found
them hard at work
Mom at home,
and as a shopping clerk
Dad worked
in the office, trying hard not to bawl
bickering kids home from school gave him call after call
But they did
what it took to build a home
And a little
extra, so the family could roam.
A trip out
West was particularly fun
All four rafted
a river; one vomited one
(…Or two, or
three, or several dozen. And
there’s more to this story than can be related in polite company, so let’s just
say the Grand Canyon’s forests are far more fertile now than before the
Bauman’s vacationed there.)
To the
country they moved around ‘85
brush, and trees, and hornet hives
They built things
and fought calamitous rains
With screwdrivers,
lawnmowers, shovels and drains
It may have required
long hours to tend
But it was
second home to family and friend
Generations came
to visit and live at their place
And found it
a warm, fun, and welcoming space
Around 1990
eldest went off to college
And for 8
years their cars put on superfluous mileage
Four years to
Bluffton and four more to Goshen
Theirs was definitely
a family in motion.

flown to Singapore, Thailand, France, Ivory Coast
Of trips to
Honduras, Ireland, and Austria they boast

They’ve done
some crazy things, some wild, some bold
We’ve heard some
stories, but they’ll stay untold (at least tonight).
Round ’95 the
grandchildren came
And their
quiet lives were never the same
First just
one, and then nearly a dozen
Now a full
house of siblings and cousins
With the
grandkids their Christmases, already lavish affairs
Turned into
something resembling carnival fairs
But they
didn’t care, they just drank it all in
The births
and adoptions, the new kith and kin
By 2000 they
surely had earned peace and quiet
But their
kids put them on the renovation diet
And they
were back at it again with the building and painting
And somehow
did it all without whining…or fainting
And not just
for children, but for friends, neighbors, strangers
superheroes they’ll work never minding the dangers
And they’ll
do it all willingly, with pluck and good cheer
In some
small way, I bet, they’ve helped everyone here
Around 2010
the time had finally come
To retire
from work, and sit on their bum
sitting is one skill they really do lack
For this
particular thing they’ve not got the knack
they’re still going, like some famous bunny
thankfully still calling each other their “honey”
And now it’s
2015, and on this very day
We celebrate
50, and gather to say
In the
presence of everyone: friends, sisters, and brothers
You’ve lived
a good life, for yourselves and for others
You’ve done many
things, and what’s particularly clever
Is that you’ve
done nearly all of them as one, together
traveled the world, raised a family and more
counseled your friends, you’ve opened your door
To people
from all over, and right down the street
Your great hospitality
is not easy to beat
Nor the
service you’ve rendered to needy and poor
And the way
others are inspired by you to do more
You’ve fed
the hungry, you’ve given the thirsty relief
you’ve done for the least of these
done,” says the King in the parable, “for me”
But you’ve
also done so much for all of us here
You’ve set
an example, which is why we’re all here.
Happy 50th
Anniversary from your kids and grandkids, who have always been the primary
beneficiaries of your love.
*Anniversary Celebration Photo Credit: Joanna Benner
*Anniversary Celebration Photo Credit: Joanna Benner
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