Honestly, as if the hair styles and clothing choices weren't bad enough, there just aren't any good memories that make me take these tomes off the shelf and peruse them on a regular basis (regular here being relative as in about every ten years).
But my boys just came home with their yearbooks and with ninth and eleventh grades fresh in their memories, and lines of friends just waiting to sign their books, they're super-excited. As are we. Because, you see, Son #2 made it on the two-page spread of pages 10 and 11.
Yep, that's my boy, the Wildcat. The pictures are great, but the interview's better. You have to hear it in his words:
Q: How did you become the Wildcat?
A: Well...I wanted to be a cheerleader, but I tanked my tryout, so they made me the mascot.
Q: What's your favorite part about being the Wildcat?
A: Chicks dig it. (Single, and free to mingle, ladies!)
Q: What skills must you have to be the Wildcat?
A: None...I sucked at tryouts, remember?
Q: How long do you plan on being the Wildcat?
A: Hopefully only another threee years...I'm not planning on failing.
Q: Why did you decide to become the Wildcat?
A: The Angel Gabriel descended from Heaven and told me that, according to a mandate from God, I was destined to become the mascot. I'm just following orders.
Q: What has being the Wildcat taught you?
A: All cheerleaders are blondes (It's a true stereotype).
Q: What do you think the Wildcat means to Mechanicsburg?
A: The Wildcat is a symbol of strength, excellence, and good looks. Mostly the last one...
Q: What's the worst part about being the Wildcat?
A: Being attacked by Munchkins.

Q: Is it hard not to talk while being the Wildcat?
A: Not relevant. I ignore this rule.
Q: Is it hot in the Wilcat costume?
A: I'm hot enough. WITHOUT the costume!
That's my boy!
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