You just grew another gray hair.
Your son asks your daughter to go tie shopping with him.
Your son not only cleans, but vacuums, his car.
You are told that due to PSATs and a Cross Country meet on the same day as homecoming, you will need to go to X Flower Shop on X Street to pick up something that your son has previously ordered.
You find that your son has excellent taste in corsage selection.
Because you don't know how to tie a tie, your son goes to youtube for a tutorial.
Your eldest's younger siblings suddenly become very interested in his social life and want to know the meaning of words like corsage and boutonniere. They also want to know why he doesn't find their suggestion of McDonald's to be a good choice for his pre-homecoming meal.
Your son is extremely nervous.
You have a chat with your son, reminding him that he is taking out someone's prized possession and that someday she will be someone else's prized possession; treat her as such.
You find yourself at the home of a wonderful family, taking pictures of their beautiful (inside and out) daughter and your super-extraordinary (inside and out) son.

Yup, must be homecoming.

And yes, as always, I had my son's permission before writing this post.
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