
Welcome to the KingZoo and Funny Farm, where we learn to live, laugh, and love together. Here you'll find snippets of life in our zoo, parenting tips we've learned along the way, reflections on shining God's light in this world, passions in the realm of orphan care, and our journey as parents of a visually impaired child with sensory processing disorder. Have fun!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

A very merry covid Christmas

 2020 tried to steal our Christmas but we said, "No way!"

The best part of Covid giving some of us an early Christmas present is that, according to a professional in healthcare who happens to be semi-related to some of us, our home is currently immune. This opened the door for Mariana and Jake to spend the day with us. 

Lucy enjoyed the reading of the Christmas story and singing of carols from a place of honor.

Just because they're the same age, they think they can confuse us by wearing the same shirts. But a mom can always tell her twins apart even when they think they're fooling her.

Lucy and Mariana are not the best of friends, and Lucy kept trying to steal Mariana's seat and her place in Jake's heart, but the joke was on Ana since she stole Lucy's seat in the first place. 

A very special gift from Mariana and my mom. I made this cross stitch for my parents and gave it to them on the day of my wedding. For years it hung in their hallway with photos from both my wedding and my brother's wedding. When my parents down-sized, my mom saved the frame and then gave it to Mariana after her wedding day. Ana switched out my brother's pictures (sorry, Chad) with some of her own, and it now hangs in my bedroom.

Wooden crafts from PopPop's quarantine hobby.

Everyone got a book for Christmas, including the Good Doctor who will now be spending his evenings filling in the pages of this book.

He was sitting on his gifts the whole time and didn't even know it. What was inside? A collection of Star Wars treats collected from consignment sales and a Silent Auction that the Good Doctor won. I figured wrapping everything separately would keep him occupied (and the older kids were old enough to understand that the collection of gifts equalled one gift so there would be no cries of unfair play). The best part was when he pulled a gift out of the bin, said, "That's clothes," and set it aside without opening it. Some things you can get away with when you have behavioral challenges.

Best Dressed in the "Come-To-The-Secret-Santa-Zoom-Exchange-Dressed-In-Your-Ugliest-Gaudiest-Fanciest-Christmasyest-Red-And-Green" Contest


The Secret Santa Zoom Exchange. It actually went better than expected. The only gift that didn't make it on time was not due to postal delays but Covid delays. Because she was sick and because we were quarantined while we all lived out our mandated days at home, Eden was not able to go to the pottery shop to complete Mariana's gift. But she had pictures!

And he also won First Place in the wrapping contest. Isaac had Jake's name. He got him a book from his wishlist. It was hidden between the cardboard on the "seat" of the "chair".

Victor's Secret Santa gift from Jesse

Always a good big brother


Jesse broke my animal loving heart with his gift. At least it wasn't a framed photo of his smiling self holding the head of an unsmiling dead deer, apparently named Dasher. My sincere apologies to Dasher's mother. I didn't raise him to be like this. But I should have known because every time I cried with trying to get through a read-aloud with a dead or injured animal, he laughed hysterically. And they're always bringing that up. Just because I cried when the badger died but then it wasn't really dead just injured. So what if it was "just a badger".

Someday, this might be what I get. I'll try to be prepared.

We even got to Zoom with MomMom and PopPop while we opened their gifts. 

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