He insisted on sleeping beside his bed at nap time. Not in, beside.
It took a while, but he finally fell asleep.
And if it bothers you that he's still in a crib, then you can spend a few nights
with Victor and you'll soon see why it's much easier (and safer)
to keep him here until he finally (someday far away) figures
out that he can climb out himself.
Victor's TVI (Teacher of the Visually Impaired): Victor, I love your smile.
Victor: I love your bubble wrap.
Eden made pancakes and gave one to Victor. He promptly stuck it up to his nose, inhaled deeply, and asked, "Do you smell it?".
"Mom, come celebrate me."
Victor, upon awakening from his nap: Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Me (after the initial shock of realizing he had memorized more of the prayer I pray over him in the morning): That's right. Thank you, Victor.
Victor: What does it mean?
Really, the 3 year old is asking me what this means?
"I'm going to be Isaac when I get big."
One of the issues with Victor's potty training has been the fact that when he does decide to use the potty on his own, the pants come off wherever and whenever the mood strikes. This is bothersome and awkward at home but obviously not acceptable for preschool. One day he made it from the bathroom to the dinner table bench before anyone could get the pants back on him. I caught him just in time as he attempted to climb onto the back of the bench, thereby exposing himself to the neighbors through the window. I asked him to please get down because we don't flash the neighbors. Now, whenever he climbs on the bench, he asks if he can flash the neighbors. Apparently, to him, flashing the neighbors means climbing on the bench. Great. I hope they don't have any benches at preschool.
Once, after a potty success, he came to me carrying a new pair of underpants that he had found in his drawer. "Look, mom, I got pretty undies." (I think he has too many sisters.)

Victor is finally showing interest in his violin. The struggle has been to get the sensitively challenged child to hold the instrument under his chin; he doesn't want it to touch his face. So Isaac gave him a lesson this morning and as they were finishing up, Isaac used his own fingers to play Twinkle, Twinkle while he helped Victor move the bow. I praised Victor for "playing" Twinkle, Twinkle and he yelled, "No, I want to play Orange Blossom Special!" That one will take a little more practice, my dear.
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