As each one came into the world, he was right there beside me. Riveted to the TV, to whatever sporting event happened to be in season as that precious little bundle of joy came into this world.
He was there for all the night-time feedings for which he could be of use. That is, he would have been if it were possible to wake the sleeping giant in the middle of the night. And if it had been physically possible for him to feed one of our bottle-boycotting children.
Most importantly, he's a very involved parent. Want to throw a football? He's there. Want to get beat in Chess or Scrabble? He's right on it. Needing a bedtime story? Great! (Just don't pick a long one) Want to ride bikes in the road in front of the house? No problem. He'd love to supervise.

Sorry, but when this opportunity presented itself, it was too good to pass up. I quietly called Eden and Hope in for a bath (after snapping the picture, of course). I told them that we were going to play a trick on Daddy so they should quickly and quietly clean up their outside toys and come in the house. Then, while they were getting ready, I had Mariana call John on the cell phone to tell him that Mom wanted the girls inside for a bath. From the living room windows, we watched him jump at the first ring, agree to Mariana's request, and then call, "Girls?" No answer. Hmmmm.
Please forgive me. I'm not a total tyrant. I did thank him later for being such a good sport.
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