. . . our little "punkin" . . .
This was the way we announced King Kid #2. Little did we know what we were in for with this one. Our family doctor used to say that Jesse knew he was going to be the middle child long before we knew he was going to be the middle child. Well, that was back when there were only two. And when there were three, Jesse did indeed fit the role of middle child. Of course we all know that he's long since passed the middle child position. Only someone forgot to tell him that he can stop acting like the middle child! He has "cleaned" shoes in the toilet, caused a major plumbing bill by flushing large items, "decorated" the walls and furniture with paint, and run around the house wearing Mr. Potatohead body parts.
When Jesse was only 18 months old I wrote, "You love to make people laugh and are very good at it." Funny, that same child recently told me that his life motto is, "Life's too short to be normal." I'd say he knows himself pretty well.
It's hard to believe that the toddler who had a seizure every time he experienced some type of "trauma", would grow up to love amusement parks and be the 14 year old daredevil who got a snowboard for his birthday. You have to understand that "trauma" in this case meant a small fall, like down one step or off a riding toy. The child would try anything, but couldn't handle the agony of defeat.

The 18 month old who entertained us with his version of Larry's Hairbrush song, by repeating in his best monotone,"Where, hairbrush? Where, hairbrush?", has become a wonderful singer. From Louis in The King and I to Zeke in High School Musical and many roles in between. And that violinist who had such trouble standing still for his teacher, has become an exceptional cellist. Even if he did switch instruments only for the chance to sit down while playing. And that drum he received when he was a little boy (in all I think he got 3 different drums for 3 different birthdays) served him well. He's now playing on the youth worship team. He can also play the mandolin, hammered dulcimer, and guitar and is hoping to soon learn the saxophone.

Yes, our little pumpkin turned comedian is growing up . . .
. . . into a very big comedian who continues to entertain and amaze us. This is the child who taught us to say chocolate meatballs when asking for Cocoa Puffs and to call his grandparents Mumsie and Popsie (complete with English accent). And whose favorite color was stripes. The child who stood on a box (presumably a pretend wall) and declared, "I'm Joshua!" The child who recited the Christmas story by saying, "And the angel said to the shepherds, 'Boo!'"
The first grader who had trouble leaving his clown side at home when he went to Sunday School, has grown into a teen-ager who better understands when to turn the fun on and off. (And thank God for at least one understanding Sunday School teacher who knew there was a great kid inside there. If it had only been that other, every other week teacher who couldn't see the good behind the funny, I think Jesse and I would have both dropped out of the whole church scene.) Now he's on the other side, helping to teach the 4 year olds at church, and leading the Christian Club in public school.
Jesse, don't stop being you. You are a great son and a caring big brother. You are sensitive to the needs of others. You are respected among your friends and are a born leader. God is using you in so many ways and we look forward to seeing where He takes you from here. Keep having fun and
Happy 14th!

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