If you know me, you know that I love April Fool's Day and I love me a good, clean, no-one-gets-hurt prank. God gave me the gift of my husband, mostly, I believe, because we not only complement each other in a variety of ways but so that I would have an unsuspecting target for many of these jokes and pranks. The Good Doctor is also a good sport and puts up with these shenanigans, but has never been able to pull one over on me. Until today...

You may have seen a viral video of a group of women who pranked their husbands by having them wear the same shirt to a church Valentine's Day banquet. I saw that and thought, "Oh, that'd be perfect, when should we do it...?" Someone else from church had posted it and I shared it. I took note of fellow McBICers who had liked or commented on those two posts. I contacted them and told them my plan to prank the fathers at McBIC for Father's Day. Then the next question, "Who else is in?" It was unanimous. So, those of us who had posted the video, took it down before too many people could see it and be suspicious later. Our first problem was that two of the families in that original group were going to be on vacation for Father's Day so we couldn't have the men wear the shirts that day. No problem, we just moved it to the following week, today. There were a myriad of ways to give the gift but one suggestion was to have the kids give the shirt to their dad on Father's Day afternoon so it would hopefully not be worn until the following Sunday. Since we were on vacation last week, and I didn't want the Good Doctor to wear it and risk not getting it washed by today, I told him that I had accidentally left it at home and I gave it to him when we returned yesterday.
The next problem was that as soon as some of us started to order the chosen shirt, we found that one of the sizes had low inventory. So we then started to tell people to choose one of two different green-ish colors, to be sure that there would be enough.
But the joke was on me when the Good Doctor inadvertently foiled my plans. He was asked to preach at another church this morning - and accepted the invitation. So the husband of the mastermind wasn't even at church for the big prank reveal. Whatever. He wore it anyway. I told him it looked good with his eyes and he couldn't resist. And it was still hilarious when the kids and I drove into the parking lot and immediately counted three green shirted men, and then another, and another... And then the Good Doctor returned home and showed me a picture of a lot of green shirted men from McBIC... A good laugh was had by all.
As penance he says he will now wear it to church every Sunday this summer. And I'm just thankful the sermon wasn't on lying.
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