It's really a FB quiz but why follow the rules (that's what the Good Doctor would say) and I want this one down for posterity. Putting it in my blog means it will go in the end-of-year book so my answers will be known for all time. Or til one of my kids throws all the books away.
Think about your SENIOR year in High School...if you can remember that long ago!! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be! It doesn’t take but 5 minutes, do it!!!
. This is kinda fun to learn something about my buddies that I didn't go to school with....
Class of: Ummm, this is social media. Why would I tell you that?
1. Did you know your current love?
No, he was somewhere in the middle of the midwest, playing basketball, watching football, going antiquing for hoosiers, or something like that.
2. Type of car?
I didn't have one. That's why I'm such a great person today; my parents didn't buy me a car in high school. But I drove theirs and it was blue. I know that because as of that point, all of their cars had been blue.
3. What kind of job?
Housekeeping at a retirement community
4. Where did you live?
Again, seriously? I'm not telling you that. Let's just say the suburbs although my best friend called it the boondocks.
5. Were you popular?
What do you call someone who is the exact opposite of popular? That was me.
6. Were you in choir or band?
Does orchestra count? Oh wait, I did play piano in the jazz band once. The real pianist decided the day of the concert that she couldn't attend. I got stuck having to learn all of her music in one day to accompany them that evening.
7. Ever get suspended?
Do I look like someone who would get suspended?
8. If you could, would you go back?
Never in a million years. One of the worst years of my life.
9. Still talk to the person that you went to prom with?
First of all, we didn't have prom. They stimulate the lust of the flesh. And since I wasn't dating anyone at the high school, my best friend and I went stag which is a term that at the time would have been reserved for males but I'm told these days it applies to anyone. My how times change.
10. Did you skip school?
Once. I was on track to receive perfect attendance for all four years of high school. It was so embarrassing to receive the perfect attendance award each of the three years prior that I was in no way going to earn that distinction for four years running. I made sure to be "sick" one day my senior year and to go with friends to an amusement park on senior skip day.
11. Go to all the Football games?
In the same vein that dances stimulate the lust of the flesh, football promotes violence. We didn't believe in either. But you wouldn't have seen me at any of the less violent sports that we did have since I didn't have the hair or style to be allowed in (see questions 17 and 21).
12.Favorite subject?
Since I had so many credits, my senior year was filled with mostly filler classes. I chose anything I thought would be easy so I had an overload of art and home economics (which isn't even a thing anymore thanks to FCS) classes. I probably would have chosen one of the home ec classes as a favorite.
13. Do you still have your yearbook?
Yes. But why?
14. Did you follow your career path?
I did teach for a few years, then I taught my own kids, now I teach adults, so...kind of?
15. Do you still have your high school ring?
Somewhere. Someone please tell my kids what a high school ring even is.
16. Who was your favorite teacher?
My senior year? Probably the home ec. teacher
17. What was your favorite style?
I wasn't popular, remember? I had no style. Still don't. At that time it was at least partly home sewn and even more so from all those home ec classes.
18. Favorite Shoes?
Socks when I got home and could curl up with a good book to escape
19. Favorite food?
Now that's taxing my memory but probably pizza
20. Favorite band?
Okay, let's recap. Dancing stimulates the lust of the flesh, football promotes violence, and bands take folks off the straight and narrow. I probably couldn't have named a band if I had tried. Except the one that the guy who took me to school always played in his cassette player. In fact, he only ever played one song on that cassette, We're Not Gonna Take It. But if I had mentioned Twisted Sister back in those days I surely would have been struck by lightning.
21. High school hairstyle? Imagine taking stick-straight, should-have-been-a-senior-in-the-60s, hippie hair but perming it to look like the 80s
22. What cologne / perfume? Love's Baby Soft, OMG no wonder I wasn't popular
23. How old when you graduated? 17
24. What high school did you attend? One that believed that dances stimulate the lust of the flesh, football promotes violence, and bands take you off the straight and narrow