Me: No.
Victor: Oh good, because I don't want my wife to be pregnant.
Me: Why not?
Victor: Because I don't want my kids to sing out of tune.
After a little thought...
Victor: Well, maybe I could be a music and singing teacher and teach them how to sing.
And again...
Victor: Every child that is born is different. Even if they are twins.
Along the same lines...
Victor: Can you be my neighbor when you grow up?
Mariana: We will see
Victor: So how old are you?
Mariana: 20.
Victor: When I am 20 how old will you be?
Mariana: Like 45 I think.
Victor: Wow! Will you be my neighbor then? And live really close to me?
Mariana: I don't know Victor I have to figure out what I'M going to do in my life.
Victor: Okay so can I go on a honeymoon with you? Wait! Can I marry you?! Can we get married when I'M 20?
Mariana: Oh honey. We can't do that because you are my sibling!
Victor: Oh no *sad face*
After drinking some Coke:
Gravity just pulls the bubbles up my nose and it hurts.
Victor: Hey, I'm picking up on something. It's a pheromone.
Me: Do you know what a pheromone is?
Victor: Yeah, it's a liquid that attracts something to it. Is there a pheromone in the yard?
Me: Okay then.
A conversation between an adult friend and Victor after church:
Friend: Victor, what did you learn about today?
Victor: Moses.
Friend: Oh, are you going to part the Red Sea?
Victor: No, I'm just going to take a kayak.
He volunteered to wipe the table after dinner.

That's one way to do it. Right?
And just because sometimes we need to get a positive email once in a while, I share this one with you. It made my day.
I wanted to let you know that on Sunday September 29 we had a special FX clubhouse skit where Norman and Tyler shared about what God’s Word says about God Himself. They compared our Heavenly Father to our earthly parents. They asked the kids to think about a quality (good or bad) about their parents. Victor raised his hand and waited patiently and he said “Protecting”.
I guess he is listening! And he raised his hand. And was patient.
And she pondered all these things in her heart.
Wow! It always make me laugh when I read about Victor. I am telling you he is such a joy and special.