Victor's TVI was completing a social inventory to evaluate his progress since last year. This is one area in which he has struggled in the past. Name your classroom friends? No idea. (But you can bet your bottom dollar they all know his name!)
So today, she tried again.
He could name 9 friends. Big improvement.
He knew siblings and extended family and the relationship of each to him. Excellent.
He knew where he lives, even the country. Extra credit for Victor.
She then asked him what his daddy does at work?
He sits at McDonald's and types on his computer.
Classic. Lots of teens out there hoping for a job like that.
But then he was asked what does his mommy do?
She shovels snow.
If you need me, I'll be standing out front with my shovel, waiting for the next snowfall so I can keep myself busy.
Victor: Mom, when I get big, can I live alone?
Me: Absolutely!
Victor: That will be fancy. Then I can turn Alexa to Volume 10.
Who wants to be his neighbor?
Victor, what should Megan and Jesse put on their wedding gift registry?
Echo Dot
Teddy Bear Nightlight
Record player and don't forget the records, you need Epic Charlie Daniel's Band and Wagner, he died a long, long time ago
Lights for around the bed
Ball that you can roll on like this and you can pick it up and toss it around (Yoga Ball)
TV Signal
Talking and singing burner
A snowman that sings Jingle Bells
Headphones for Jared because he's very big, I met him at church one time, his voice is tired
Amps, and speakers, and microphones then I can come to your house and play with all those things
Computer systems
Bop-It and Simon
Barbies for Megan
Jared needs a drum set
You should get an alarm system (Side note: Funny thing is, in most houses, alarms are to keep people out, in ours, alarms are to keep people in! Victor is understandably confused.)
Should they have any pets?
A bunny named Waldisquare, it's a girl
What do they need in the kitchen?
Speakers in your kitchen then you can hook up your phone and play music
Paper towels
Window alarms
What about in the bathroom?
Sinks, bathrooms, toilets, soaps, paper towels, toilet paper
What do they need in the living room?
A record player
Yoga balls to sit on
What do they need in their backyard?
A hot tub! Ha! Ha!