
Welcome to the KingZoo and Funny Farm, where we learn to live, laugh, and love together. Here you'll find snippets of life in our zoo, parenting tips we've learned along the way, reflections on shining God's light in this world, passions in the realm of orphan care, and our journey as parents of a visually impaired child with sensory processing disorder. Have fun!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Our Lenten reading, A Place at the Table:4 Days of Solidarity with the Poor by Chris Seay, had us pondering Thanksgiving on St. Patty's Day. Admittedly we are a few days behind so technically this theme wasn't supposed to coincide with the March holiday, but it did for us. The day's reflection was on entitlement and the suggestion that a remedy for entitlement is thanksgiving. 

We were introduced to Chesterton's quote in the book and I had the children copy it into their journals. We talked about it and pondered its meaning. It was a little difficult for the seven year old to understand but after we discussed it, she was able to see the relevance to thankfulness. In her journal she then wrote:

"I am thakfoll for hoo fast i run and foo hoo good i am at gymnastics and for mi frands and misalf." (For those who don't read invented spelling, let me interpret: I am thankfull for how fast I run and for how good I am at gymnastics and for my friends and myself.")

I was pleased at how quickly the older children could fill a page with all that they were thankful for.

Anne Voskamp must be reading the same book we are, and must be similarly behind in her readings, or maybe she was just feeling the need to be thankful because her blog post yesterday fit right in with this theme. 15 Ways to Happier Grateful Kids. Who doesn't want that, right? Maybe it should have been titled 15 Ways to Happier Grateful Moms?


  1. I read her blog yesterday and was inspired to do some of her ideas with our kids. It kind of reminded me of our Thanksgiving turkey that we each put a feather on nightly with something we were thankful for. Any suggestions on how to get a 2 and 5 year old to think "outside of the box"? We kept getting my teddy bear or mom, etc.

    Michelle Earley

    1. Maybe take turns, they pick one day, you pick the next. You could model thinking outside the box.
