Hello there...
i am daughter, grand-daughter, wife, and Mom
i keep meticulous notes, lists, and files
i wish I would stop wishing for things
i love my crazy, hilarious, and unique family
i dance? Only at weddings but I wish I could be free to dance in celebration and worship
i sing? Only if no one is listening
i think we're all here to make a difference in whatever corner of the world we've been placed
i really love my crazy, hilarious, and unique family
i need sleep and time
i should give my house a thorough cleaning and weeding out of stuff
i can sew
i like a really good book that I can't put down (and time to read it)
i make cakes, cookies, and other sweets the good ole' fashioned from-scratch way
i always keep my promises and if for some reason I can't, I will be more upset than you
Fun things to think about. I hadn't seen this before. Perhaps I will be joining the band wagon in the coming days.