
Welcome to the KingZoo and Funny Farm, where we learn to live, laugh, and love together. Here you'll find snippets of life in our zoo, parenting tips we've learned along the way, reflections on shining God's light in this world, passions in the realm of orphan care, and our journey as parents of a visually impaired child with sensory processing disorder. Have fun!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

CSI: Somewhere in a suburb...

While most folks are doing just fine, going to work or maybe working-from-home, schooling typically developing children...

Crime is still happening and the folks at CSI are working overtime to keep the world free from filth.

So when alerted to a foul smell coming from the depths, CSI was on the job.

The source (#1) was located almost immediately. Just little specks. The rookies cleaned it up (#2) immediately, without waiting for back-up, thinking that it was a cut-and-dried case.

They were wrong.

The suspect had apparently stepped in the evidence, then (#4) onto Big Brother's homework. Sorry, sir, just tell your professor that "my brother pooped on my homework" and that said homework is now held in evidence. I'm sure she won't mind.

Then (#5) over the Yogibo (which the rookies once again cleaned up before the big shots arrived, this is definitely going in their files, no matter how bad it smells you gotta have a pinched nose and a strong gut for this job).

At this point (#6), more evidence was found.

(#7) Fingerprints on the sofa?

Before the suspect could be brought in for questioning, a bit of a confession, "Hey, did you guys look under the bench?" (#8) Why no, we hadn't. But wait, this is petrified. Apparently, we're dealing with a repeat offender.

And there it is (#9), today's activity, under the bench, to the left of the previously deposited but until-this-moment uncovered pile. Surely, the CSI can go home now. This has to be it. Right?

Nope, upon turning a corner to plug in the CSI equipment (ie. vacuum to clean up all the Yogibo beads)...

More fingerprints (#10).

Bigger evidence (#11).

Yup, same size the suspect wears (#12).

Just another day, home on the range. Taking one for the team.

See crime in your neighborhood? Real crime? Not that "But they were only standing 5'11.5" inches apart, Officer" or "Hey, those people eating around that picnic table, they can't really be all one family, can they, Sergeant" stuff, but real crime? Who you gonna call?


Friday, April 17, 2020

Virtual family night, part 2

Virtual Family Nights are all the rage these days.  This week's edition was museum re-creations, brought to you by the Baumans and Kings. 6 teams, 4 generations, 3 states, and 5 locations.

We all gathered together on Zoom and were directed to our family's private FB group to find a selection of 5 famous pieces of art.  Each team had 1 hour to re-create any 3 of the 5.

Also during the hour, each team was to re-create a piece of their choosing. This was known ahead of time so some teams worked on it prior to the Family Night.

All pictures were sent to one person who organized them into a PPT presentation which we viewed together with much hilarity.

A few highlights:

And then the "people's choice" submissions:

Even Great-Grandmom got in on the fun

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Victor-isms for Corona Quarantine

Hope: What is it called when you do something to your muscle or bone?
The family (trying to help her out): Sprain? Strain?
Victor: Jane?

And later...

The family (still trying to help her out): Tendonitis? Osgood-Schlatters?
Victor: Underwear?

Victor: Mom, could you please put tu-tus on my face so I can look like Darth Maul?
Mom:.......... (No idea...........)

And later, a lightbulb moment...

Mom: Wait! Eden, does Darth Maul have tattoos by any chance?
Eden: Yes. Why?
Mom: It's a long story.

Random comment, out of the blue, with no context...
Victor: The format of life is really weird.
Me: Why? What does that even mean?
Victor: Because how could you give milk? How does that happen? Does it come from your belly button or something?
Me: Ask your father.

Victor (coming up to tattle on Big Brother who shall remain nameless): Mom, Isaac's watching a horror movie.
Isaac (coming up to defend himself): I would like to speak against the spread of false information. I am watching Black Panther which we all know is not a horror movie.
Victor (to wake the whole house who insist on sleeping til noon): We can have different opinions, you know!

(After hearing Isaac complain about the snail's pace of our internet due to too many at-home learners, workers, and professors in the house on the computer at the same time): Isaac, you know that computers have nerves of steel!

Victor (coming to start schoolwork on Day 15 of Coronavirus Schooling): Let's pretend that you're a good, good teacher.

He then suggested that I needed a new name to be his teacher. I told him Mrs. King would work. He told me that was not possible because it's Megan's name.

Victor: Oh, yeah, I know what contacts are. They're like little cling stickers you put in your eyes.

Don't you wish you could be in a Zoom classroom with Victor? During class he turns on Voiceover so he can find every ever-lovin' button there is. This morning he sent his teacher messages using chat. First it was just emojis. Then it was, "I'm burping," followed by "I'm barking," and finally (because he is in first grade), "I'm pooping."

And this, my friends, is why school, and the world,  has now adopted the Whose Line Is It Anyway model, "The place where the rules are made up and the grades don't matter."

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Jenga, laser blasters, and Marty, oh my!

He was a little perturbed with me at bedtime because he had to put his new toys away. He let it slip that he'd had a miserable day. But he and I both know he didn't mean it. It was a great day from start to finish. Thanks for everyone who sent videos or called him yesterday. We started at 7AM and every hour he got to watch 1 or more videos from friends and family.

He may be the only one in the universe who was thrilled to receive a plush Marty from Giant.

HopeAnne made him a crocheted light saber.

Outdoor Jenga was a favorite at Jesse and Megan's wedding. Now he can play at home.

He's been waiting for Laser Blasters. Look out, Jesse, he's ready for you!

And Snap Circuits - finally! He started using Snap Circuits at school and it's all we've heard about. He's getting really good at it.

Big Sister and Jake (from more than 6 feet away) asked him to be in their wedding. His first response? Well, I already did that once. Wrong answer. But we'll work on appropriate answers to these kinds of questions. Better luck next time.

He requested chicken nuggets and fries and a Star Wars cake.

We did okay, I think.