Influential... A sweetheart, brilliant, and talented... Electric!... Alive... Inspiring actress... Not afraid of what others think... Playing to an audience of one... Motivated... Beautiful spirit... Lively
She has a caring heart... Oozing with talent and spunk... full of passion and bold leadership... Happy young lady...
Winniewana (great memories from a young friend years ago who couldn't pronounce Mariana)... Energetic, outgoing, and passionate... She is a beautiful expression of God which is so evident...
Grace, love, and brilliance... Beautiful - inside and out!... Joyful and Joyous!... Radiant... Frozen!
Delightful!... Lovely... Enthusiastic... Immaturely mature!!!!... Amazing... Caring... Talented... Wise beyond her years... Unique... Inspiring...
My Brigitta is ABSOLUTELY VIBRANT....and wholesome, and fun, and smiley, and interesting, compassionate, a great listener, a musician, smart, intellignt amd loving....and all not necessarily in that order. But when I see her I always think vibrant because she is so in the moment- not into yesterday, which has passed, not overly anxious about tomorrow or looking forward to what is to come, but mostly, she is vibrant in the today she has been given.
Ahead of her time... What a strong, beautiful, spirit... Full of life... Beautiful smile... Honest, thoughtful, kind, selfless, positive... Compassionate...
Wise beyond her years... Two, too, to to cool, kewl, kool (Mariana will know who that is from)... Unique... Inspiring... She will go far...
I couldn't agree more
(and Victor does, too, even if this photo doesn't show it)!
Talented, a ham, wiser than her years, funny, doesn't like itchy dresses (I think she will remember that). Have not seen her in nearly 10 years, but she will go far. Debbie Fister