
Welcome to the KingZoo and Funny Farm, where we learn to live, laugh, and love together. Here you'll find snippets of life in our zoo, parenting tips we've learned along the way, reflections on shining God's light in this world, passions in the realm of orphan care, and our journey as parents of a visually impaired child with sensory processing disorder. Have fun!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Prayers please

The title of this post was also the subject line of an email I recently sent to my prayer team and a few praying friends.  A prayer team, though a simple concept, was something that I had never thought of until moving to Mechanicsburg.  Each member of the pastoral staff has a team that surrounded them in prayer and the Good Doctor was encouraged to create the same.  Our lead pastor's wife also has a prayer team and suggested that the rest of the women behind the men have one as well.  So I did.

My team has changed and morphed through the years and I have gone through periods of monthly updates, moments of urgent requests, and dry spells when I forgot to send anything to my team.  I go to them with praises and prayer requests, big and small.  Decisions, fears, medical concerns, and requests for wisdom are all sent their way.

I have decided that a prayer team is something that everyone needs.  Maybe pastors and their families need a little more help than most, so that's why the concept started with them, but I see value for everyone.  I have encouraged my children to form a team but they're still warming to the idea.

Choose your team slowly and wisely.  It's not easy to ask someone to leave or to delete them from your updates; it's much easier to add someone.  Choose people with whom you can be real and tell anything.   If you can't start out by saying, "I'm discouraged," for fear someone will think less of you, then that's not a person to include.  If you feel like you can't admit your fears to someone, don't include that person, either.  If you can't be totally open and honest about medical issues, then choose someone else.  And it should be obvious, but confidentiality is a must.

I can honestly tell you that Victor would not be here if it weren't for the prayer support of both my team and the Good Doctor's team of warriors.  And I would not be sane if they weren't continually holding me up in prayer.

And thanks to prayer...

Victor is feeding and growing.  Feeds are given in 30 minutes now.  Sounds much more normal than the 2 hours in which they used to be given!  Feeds are increased on a regular basis.   He now weighs 4 lbs. 5 oz. which is exactly what HopeAnne weighed when we picked her up from the NICU seven years ago.  It's been a day of reminiscing.  If I were home I'd get some pictures of those early days for you.  I didn't know what to do with a baby that small, up to that point 6 lb. 14 oz. was the smallest baby in my house.  I was scared to death!  Little did I know.  I'm glad God prepares us in small steps for what is to come.  Praise God for Victor's growth and that he is tolerating these compacted feedings.

Looks like I was given some misinformation last week about Victor's last eye test.  He had his third exam today and I was there for both the exam and the report.  Victor still shows Stage 1 ROP and nothing has changed.  The good news is that nothing has gotten worse.  It was pretty traumatic for Victor and the stress was clearly evident all over his body so he was sound asleep for a long while after. Pray that this clears up completely and next week the doctor will see positive change.

They are going to try to wean him again on his oxygen flow, down to 1.5LPM today.  Pray that he tolerates it this time.  This has to be down to 1.0 before he can move to the next step in feeding.

Again today I am thanking God for the wonderful nurses who love on Victor, even when they are assigned to a different baby.  I love it when they pop over to take a peek and check up on him.  And it's good to know that he is well taken care of when I am not here.

I leave again for home on Friday afternoon.  Please pray for this time at home to celebrate Andrew's graduation with a party.  Judging from past experience, Friday morning will be the hardest as I hold Victor and say good-bye for a few days.  Pray for him during the time that I am not here.  I make the Good Doctor call the hospital for updates when I'm in PA; I can't handle asking about him when I'm not there.  I don't know why, but it's easier to hear it second-hand from John.  And pray that I can get all the baking and preparations done on Saturday for Sunday's party.  I am so thankful for my mom who got a good head start on all of this!

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