
Welcome to the KingZoo and Funny Farm, where we learn to live, laugh, and love together. Here you'll find snippets of life in our zoo, parenting tips we've learned along the way, reflections on shining God's light in this world, passions in the realm of orphan care, and our journey as parents of a visually impaired child with sensory processing disorder. Have fun!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Isaac, the tailor

A long time ago, a woman name Mrs. Danehower taught me to sew.   Actually, my mother taught me to sew but then she started doubting her own abilities and decided that I should learn to sew "the right way" so she sent me to 4-H.

Mrs. Danehower opened her basement to all us girls.  She was an interesting woman, you could say.  But boy could she sew!  And as fate would have it, I was now under her tutelage as a member of the Lansdale Lassies.  A member not for long but soon-to-be president of the esteemed Lassies.  Oh dear.  That name makes even my eyes roll.

Mrs. Danehower, a former home ec. teacher in the local junior high (right, Kym?), had rows upon rows of machines in her basement.  The older 4-Hers, Lassies if you will, did their sewing in that dungeon.  The newbies (Lassie-ettes?) used portable machines on the porch.  It was much nicer up there.

Every first year 4-Her made a tote bag.  For toting things.  Of course.  I still have my instruction book.  I do not have the tote bag.  I do remember that it was blue and I put a pocket on one side and stitched a dog patch to the pocket, of course.  I had time to spare so I made some slippers as well.  They were purple, of course, made out of washcloths.  Cute little things.  I don't have them anymore, either, but would you look at that Polaroid?

Well, enough about me.  The other day, when someone mentioned FCS, the new and improved way of saying home economics (and to think I considered home ec. as my college major - how would it feel to major in something that is now obsolete?), I realized that Isaac is about that age.  In fact, he brought it up by saying, "I'd like to learn how to sew."

Really?  Well then, hook that boy up with a machine!  As a beginner, I suppose he should have been relegated to the porch but it's a little cold for that so yes, we sewed in the basement, like the big kids.  A tote bag should have been the first project but Isaac was more in need of a sleeping bag case so we improvised - a sleeping bag tote case.  Or would it be a tote bag sleeping case?

Not bad for the first project and two days of sewing.

Now on to some washcloth slippers?

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