Sarah, you amaze me. We are so thankful for you.
We love the way you love Andrew. We love the way you accept us for who we are. We love that you would make the trip from KY to PA to visit us and that you would graciously accept our visits from PA to KY.
We love that you were willing to move to DC so Andrew could accept a job that he couldn't refuse.
You're a better wife than I am. When asked if I would marry the Good Doctor, my response was, "Sure, as long as you move to PA." Or something like that. At this point I think that's mostly family lore but if the words weren't spoken, the sentiment was given. I, obviously, had some apron strings that still needed to be cut.
I think that you'd be the first to admit that moving wasn't easy and it still isn't easy to be in a new city, making new friends, and farther from your own family, but I respect you because you said "yes" to the hard. You continue to say "yes" to the hard. We love you and will support you in any way we can. Have a great day!