I woke up at 1:11 this morning, the morning of my 51st birthday, with the words to a Mercy Me song in my head.
"Almost home
Brother it won't be long
Soon all your burdens will be gone
With all your strength
Sister run wild, run free
Hold up your head
Keep pressing on
We are almost home..."
The words brought me comfort, joy, and peace as I fell back to sleep. It's one of my favorites that is played on Christian radio these days.
It wasn't until I woke up at 5:00, a more godly hour, with the song still in my head, that I thought of the words in the context of my birthday.
We live in this middle ground of longing for the beauty, perfection, and forever of Home, but finding joy in the journey of home. I prayed for the ability to keep this in the right perspective. Some days, some moments, and some assignments find this journey so hard, and that longing for Home is greater. Other moments are sweet, precious, and so filled with joy that it's easy to focus on the here-and-now.
So Father, with whatever time is left, give me the right perspective. I want to keep my eyes on Home but my feet home. I want to be here for those who need me. Take my burdens and fears so they don't hinder me in helping those you place in my path. Give me strength and perseverance and health. Let me be fully here while knowing I'm "almost home."
Well this road will be hard
But we win in the end
Simply because of Jesus in us
It's not if but when
So take joy in the journey
Even when it feels long
Oh find strength in each step
Knowing heaven is cheering you on
Almost home
Brother it won't be long
Soon all your burdens will be gone
With all your strength
Sister run wild, run free
Hold up your head
Keep pressing on
We are almost home...