There are a few inspirational writers that I follow on social media. Ruth Simmons Chou is one. Christine Caine is another. Jason Johnson. Jen Hatmaker. And Ann Voskamp.
Yesterday, she wrote these simple, yet beautiful-to-me words:
As some of our friends and family know, we are walking through some very tough situations with two of our children. There always seems to be something. And that's okay. I've come so far and learned so much. I've learned to sit with my friend, Jesus, who also calls me friend, and to give it all to Him and I'm learning to give up control. Funny, the lyrics on my lips as I woke up this morning were,
God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh, how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To take my hands off of my life
And the way it should go.
(Tenth Avenue North, Control)
There are so many things I would not have learned about myself, about this journey of life, about others, and about God, if I had not surrendered my life to whatever God asks of me. Control, it's not mine really. Results, they aren't about me. Success, the definition isn't mine.
A good friend, another special needs momma, showed me how personalizing Voskamp's statements can be an excellent reminder on the rough days and in the tough times. Maybe you have a child or situation you need to give to God today. You can't control your child, you can't choose the results, and God's definition of success is a whole lot better than yours. I promise you!
Try it for yourself...
*Child's name* is not a surprise to God!
*Child's name* is not a problem to God!
*Child's name* is not a mistake by God!
Anything is possible for *child's name* with God!
They were never ours from the beginning. They have always been God's and they do not surprise Him, they are not a problem to Him, they are not mistakes by Him, and in His great plan everything is possible for them!
Train up your child in the way he should go. She's not a surprise. He's not a problem. She's not a mistake. Remember that the results are in God's hand and in Him nothing is impossible.
Proverbs 22:6. Kind of.